The Spark
Shedding Light on the Subject of Lighting Design
Customer Experience Shaped by Lighting Design
Brick and mortar stores have a customer experience advantage online competitors cannot match: being there.
4 minute read
Face Lighting Brings Out Your Best Look
Well-designed face lighting makes you look younger, healthier, even thinner.
4 minute read
MILESTONES are how we track and measure progress and in design and construction we have many milestones...
4 minute read
Behind the Lights: The Hilton Canopy Hotel Lighting Design
With lighting design, it's so easy to see only the final piece and marvel at its beauty.
3 minute read
Light Your Artwork Like a Pro
Artwork is meant to be illuminated. Art evokes the most emotion in any space, which is why we lighting designers...
5 minute read
Interior Lighting Design for Mood
Interior lighting design for the proper mood in a home or office doesn’t always get the attention it requires.
3 minute read
3 Innovations - Lighting the Way for Design
In a world where the latest and greatest is a revolving door, lighting design differs because it’s driven by...
1 minute read
Creating a Hospitality Space That Rocks with Lighting Design
When it comes to hospitality spaces, the customer experience is everything. Creating a warm and...
3 minute read
Illuminate Your Business: Brighten Your Bottom Line
Lighting plays a crucial role in commercial/workplace spaces. It affects everything from the...
2 minute read